Monday, 23 February 2015

Is Cllr Derek Wilson impartial? Or is he breaking the council's own Code of Conduct?

Letter published in the Maidenhead Advertiser in Oct 2014

"Both the National Planning Policy Framework & the RBWM's Local Plan make it clear new schools constitute 'inappropriate development' in the greenbelt. If they are to be approved 'very special circumstances' must be demonstrated by the applicant when the planning application is submitted."

"Cllr Wilson also unfortunately makes reference to the Braywick Court Free School whose proposals involve building on land that is not only in the greenbelt but is part of Braywick Park & therefore public open space. However this scheme is yet to be the subject of a planning application and thus it is wrong of Cllr Wilson to imply in advance of that application that 'very special circumstances' might exist in this case. "

"As chairman of the panel that will be determining this application when it is submitted, he should be seen to be impartial at this stage as required by the council's code of conduct".

Here's Cllr Derek Wilson again talking about details from a confidential council meeting in the local paper, and how he thinks it would be a good idea to remove Braywick Park from the Greenbelt and build a huge new sports centre on it "because you've got a lot of sporting facilities in the park already". 

Yes, why not bulldozer over Sportsable (is that before or after their proposed new development?) and the Rugby Club, and the Rugby and football pitches, and the running track. Who cares right? As long as the developers that get the old Magnet site can make a tidy profit on their new houses...

  • If Maidenhead needs a new sports centre then why not redevelop the existing one? 
  • If the council cares about public access to sports facilities why move it out of the town centre? 
  • Why cannibalise existing (excellent) sporting facilities on Braywick to make it happen? 
  • Why sell off the operation of the Magnet already to a private company? (and why have the prices now gone up?).

Did the Section 106 money from other land sales go towards local services in RBWM, or did they go on cleaning up the waterways so the new houses built beside it make a bigger profit for the developers? 

Do you care about this? Want to help? Please sign our petition to ask RWBM to consider our idea of a 'split site' for Braywick Court School - which would avoid overdeveloping the Winbury School site and avoid building any new buildings on Braywick Park....

What Happened to the 'Travel Plan'?

The elaborate 'Travel Plan' for Braywick Court School from Bellevue Place Education Trust seems to have been conveniently forgotten, as we predicted...

Remember this? (From the Braywick Court School Travel Plan - 2014/2015 Published in October 2014)

3 months later and this is ignored & parents are now instructed to use the Braywick Nature Centre Car Park...

The headteacher made public assurances that it would be a condition of entry for pupils that parents would agree to use the 'park & stride' system and NOT use the Braywick Nature Centre Car park. She & Braywick Court School have already broken this promise, just months into their first year.

The School's 'Travel Plan' was proposed to answer concerns over parking and traffic which it is obvious the school will create if allowed to expand to accommodate over 2.5x the number of children that ever attended Winbury School previously.

The travel plan and especially the concept of the 'park & stride' system was used as a means to answer some of the main objections to problems that will be caused by the school's proposed overdevelopment and expansion. And now, already it has been disregarded & is being ignored.

The path that was built for this park & stride system, without consultation, environmental impact research, looks terrible & gets waterlogged (still) - but Councillor Geoff Hill is incredibly proud of & takes sideways photographs of.

Oh, and they still haven't put in a planning application for the planned expansions - despite the school saying they would be submitted LAST AUTUMN...

Do you care about this? Want to help? Please sign our petition to ask RWBM to consider our idea of a 'split site' for Braywick Court School - which would avoid overdeveloping the Winbury School site and avoid building any new buildings on Braywick Park....